Samburu National reserve, It is 340 kms to the north- north-east of Nairobi. Bordering Samburu-Buffalo springs, Shaba National Reserve.
Samburu-Buffalo Springs and Shaba National Reserve include in their boundaries all the flora and fauna to be found in the north of Kenya. The dry grasslands interspersed with acacias are interrupted from time to time by rich green vegetation, wherever enough water is present, e.g. the banks of the Uaso Nyiro River (with its huge Nile crocodiles) or in marsh regions. This countryside is dotted with volcanic peaks, and offers sanctuary to a wide variety of animals.
Animals to be viewed here include the baboon, reticulated giraffes, elephants, waterbucks, gerenuks and Grevy's zebras. Lions and cheetahs are not so common, but plenty of leopards can be sighted.